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How to Use Military Strategy to Build Batter Habits

Sun Tzu was a legendary military  strategists in ancient china and he is the author of the famous book, The Art of War . He was a master of "soft power" and the father of " agile warfare." Whenever possible, he preferred to win without fighting or, at the very least, to the win the easiest battles first.

He wrote, "In war, the victorious strategist only seeks battles after the victory has been won."  He advised his troops to "make your way by unexpected routes and attack unguarded spots." And he further stated, " military tactics are like water. For water, in its natural course, run away from high places and hastens downwards. so, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak."

the teachings of Sun Tzu extend far beyond the field of battle because they are focused on finding the easiest way to achieve the specific  goal. His approaches can be applied to everything from business growth and goal sitting to weight lose and habits formation.

Let's talk about how to apply military strategy to our daily lives.


If you want more practical ideas for breaking  bad habits and creating good habits, check out my course The Habits  Accadmey, a premier training platform for organization and individuals that are interested in building better habits in life and work.

The Battle for Better  Habits

Too often, we try to build new habits, achieve big goals, and otherwise " win at life" through sheer force. We fight our battles directly and attack the enemy __ in this case, our bad habits __ at the point where they are strongest.

For example:

  • We try to follow a strict diet while we are out to dinner with friends.
  • We try to write a book in a noisy environment.
  • We try to eat healthy in a house filled with sweets and sugar.
  • We try to do homework with the television on. 
  • We try to concentrate while using a smartphone  filled with social media apps, games and other distractions.
And when we fall off curses and fail to achieve our goals, we blame ourselves for "not wanting it badly enough" and for  not having enough willpower. In many cases, however, failures is not a poor willpower, but a results of poor strategy.

Good military leaders start by winning easy battles and improving their position. They wait until the opposition is weakened morale  is low before they take on their foe directly. Why start a war by fighting battles in areas that are well defended? Why start a new habits in an environments that makes progress difficult? 

Sun Tzu would never lead his army into a battles where the terrain was not to his advantages. He would not begin by attacking the point where the enemy is strongest. Similarly, we should make easy improvements to our habits first, build our strength, and establish better position from which to attack the most difficult changes.

Sun Tzu, Master of Habits

Let's adopt Sun Tzu's teaching's a better habits.

Example 1:

  • Sun Tzu: " You can be sure in succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended."
  • Adapted: " You can be sure in succeeding if your habits if you only build habits which are easy to maintain

Example 2:

  • Sun Tzu: " He will win who knows when to fight and when  not to fight."
  • Adapted:  "He will improve his behaviors who knows which habits to start with and which ones to leave later."
Example 3:

  • Sun Tzu: " A clever general, therefore, avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attack it when it is sluggish and inclined to return."
  • Adapted: " A clever person, therefore, avoid the areas where bad habits are strongest, but attacks them where they are weak easy to change."

Fight Battles You Are Destined to Win   

Becoming better is not simply a matter of willpower or work ethic. It's also a matter of strategy. What people assume is a lack of willpower or an unwillingness to change is often a consequences of trying to build good habits in bad environments.

  • If you are typing to read more books, don't do it in a room filled with video games, Netflix, and a television. Move to a less direction environment. 
  • If you're very overweight, don't try to follow a workout program for collage athletes. You an get there eventually, but that's not a battle you need to fight right now. Start with a  manageable change.
  • If you're surrounded by people who tear down your goals, then work on your projects in different location or reach out to like-minded people.
  • If you're trying to stick to a writing habit when your kids are home from school and your house is in chaos, then work on it at a different time. Switch to a time of less resistance.
Build your habits where it is easy to do so. Re-define the situation. Create game where the odds are stacked in your favor.

It sounds simple, but how often do you find yourself fighting difficult battles and ignoring easy ones? There is plenty of time to fight the difficult battle. Win the easy battles first.

The smartest path is it improvement is the one of least resistance. Fight battles you are destined to win.       


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